Welcome to the Tax Assessor's 

Appointments can be scheduled by calling 732-521-4946 x102 or by emailing kpacera@helmettaboro.com


The division of taxation now requires registration through the portal. The link to the site is: 


For Veteran Deduction:
1. You must provide a copy of form DD214 (service discharge document).
2. Complete form VSS which can be picked up at the Borough Hall or downloaded form the Division of Taxation:
(refer to form for service requirement).
3. Submit a copy of a valid New Jersey driver's license or voter registration.
4. Deduction amount (annual): $250.

Senior Citizen or Disabled Deduction:
1. You must complete income verification form, available from the collector or assessor.
2. Complete form PTD which can be picked up at Borough Hall or downloaded form the Division of Taxation:
(refer to form for income requirements).
3. Must provide proof of age for senior citizen deduction (New Jersey driver's license or birth certificate).
4. Must provide physicians certification for Disabled Deduction for disabled persons deduction.
5. Deduction amount (annual): $250.